Yearly Maintenance Plans
Just like humans and animals are exposed to the four seasons and have to prepare and protect themselves adequately for each season, you should also protect your automobile for the four seasons and let us take care of it and protect it adequately – if you want to maintain it in perfect condition for as long as possible.
Each season offers its own conditions like heat, humidity, road salt and grit or other environmental impacts.
And each of the four seasons has its own characteristics which have to be paid attention to when it comes to car care.
Therefore, we have composed the following yearly maintenance plan for you , a recommendation for you how to best (let us) take care of your dream.

SPRING – Get ready for the sunny days
To get the best out of this season for you and your pride and joy, we recommend:
Spring clean: Thoroughly free your automobile from winter’s remains – All the bad residues that winter time has left like road salt or grit have to be removed. Thoroughly. If road salt is left on metal surfaces, it will cause continuous corrosion every time it gets in contact with humidity, this critical effect can last until summer if the vehicle’s chassis and engine are not washed thoroughly at the beginning of spring.
Therefore, we recommend a thorough wash of the cars underside and an engine bay wash and sealing at this time of the year.
Perfect and protect it for the sunny days – If your automobile has been used during winter, this season in most cases has not only left its remains but also its traces in the form of scratches and in most cases also the protective wax layer has worn away as a consequence of the toughest season. We therefore suggest to give your cars paintwork and its wheels a fresh polish followed by a thorough wax protection or for sophisticated customers even a paintwork correction which includes different stages of machine polishing to re-shape the paintwork to its perfect shape.
Interior – Even if treated carefully during winter, your automobile’s interior certainly has suffered from the season. Spring is the best time of the year to cater for it as it is sure that the efforts put in will last...
And also if you have winter-stored your pride and joy, spring is the best time to perfect the interior – you will get a full driving season of enjoyment out of it!

SUMMER – Enjoy the sun and heat
During summer, your automobile is least exposed to humidity but on the other side insect populations are booming and leave their ugly traces on the paintwork, also bird droppings are heavy and both these impacts combined with the heat make effective care and protection measures necessary as well. We recommend regular thorough car washes to deal with insects and bird droppings (bird droppings ideally are removed in the very moment they are spotted) and also a wax top-up which kills two birds with one stone: the paintwork is thoroughly protected against the above impacts and – equally important for this season – your automobile does look proverbially stunning. So you can enjoy it with no regrets.

AUTUMN – Get ready for winter or winter storage
If you are one of the many collectors who store their automobile over the entire season of winter, we recommend you to have a good read through our winter storage tips & tricks (link TBA). Furthermore – before storing – we suggest to give the car an exterior detail which can be executed in different extents to different degrees of perfection. In general, we recommend you to get your automobiles exterior to a standard of finish and protection which you would like to have ready when you remove it from storage in spring. It makes more sense to do the improvement before storage than after, presumed that the car is stored properly. We are happy to assess your automobiles condition and consult on the different options you have.
Should your car be used over winter, we heavily recommend a winter protection detail for the entire exterior before winter starts.

WINTER – Prevention and Protection
Humidity, rain, snow, cold, road grit and road salt are severe impacts for your automobile making winter is the toughest season of the year. If not dealt with correctly, these impacts typically lead to corrosion.
It is crucial that before winter your automobiles exterior is thoroughly protected against these impacts and during winter is regularly washed especially on its underside – more for the aspect of prevention and protection than for aesthetic reasons, road salt has to be removed as soon as possible in order to prevent any corrosion on chassis and engine.
We therefore recommend a protection detail before winter breaks in and regular thorough car washes during winter.